One conference, two presentations
360|Flex DC starts in just 9 days and I'm not quite ready yet, but I will be. A few months ago, I suggested two presentations to John and Nicole who organise the event, hoping one would be up to scratch. Their reply was "Awesome submissions!" followed by "We're happy to tell you, your submissions were accepted. You ok doing 2?" Yes, I'm ok doing 2, but it requires twice the preparation which is why I'm not quite ready yet. But I will be. Continue reading →
Collection: Conferences
Application Frameworks - The new kids on the block
In which I compared and contrasted four of the newer application frameworks (also known as micro-architectures) for development of apps with Adobe Flex. They are Robotlegs, Swiz, Parsley, Spring Actionscript Continue reading →
Collection: Presentations
My 360|Flex presentation
Until recently, the title for my 360|Flex San Jose presentation next month was “Designer Last Development Architecture”. But that has just changed. Continue reading →
Collection: Conferences
Application Frameworks - The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly
In which I compared and contrasted six different application frameworks (also known as micro-architectures) for development of apps with Adobe Flex. They are Cairngorm, PureMVC, Mate, Parsley, Swiz, Robotlegs Continue reading →
Collection: Presentations
360|Flex San Jose
I was already considering making the trip to San Jose to attend the 360|Flex conference this March when the organisers asked me if I'd present a session. 360|Flex has interested me for some time. It's the most technical, developer oriented of the many Flash and Flex conferences around, and as a developer myself that obviously interests me. The level of technical knowledge amongst the speakers is immense. But 360|Flex is about more than just technical presentations. John and Tom try very hard to make this a conference where all attendees feel part of a community. Continue reading →
Collection: Conferences
Flash on the Beach 09
Collection: Conferences
Particle Effects with Flint
In which I introduced viewers to the open source Flint particle system that I develop. Continue reading →
Collection: Presentations
Back from Flash on the Beach
Flash on the Beach was fantastic. Once again John organised a very friendly, relaxed and social conference, with some truly inspirational speakers. Being a speaker myself added an extra excitement to this year's conference. Continue reading →
Collection: Conferences